Tuesday, July 6, 2010


"We only speak English", "Go back to your own Country". I see this, hear this, read this daily, and it saddens me, that in a civilized society in the most multicultural country in the world that this goes on. You would think that this wouldn't be a problem, but the youth today use it as the National Anthem to express themselves and this saddens me seeing youth corrupted by patriotism, I keep asking myself what compels them so thoroughly that Prejudice is the way to go.

That is just my little rant on my announces of Racism in youth of today, we all do it, no matter how much we do not want to be racist. Wouldn't the world be great without any type of prejudice.

Hi, I am JJ, friend of Mr Micheal's. I thought I would finally contribute to this blog no matter how short my contribution was.

Till' next time

Sunday, May 30, 2010

rambling part one i think

first off this post most probably wont make sense and should deffenatly be a change to what i normally do but i couldnt remember if i had posted or not. This could be due to the lack of sleep last night/ this morning in crazy flying shark filled fun of PARTAI, yes spelling is wrong get over it you can still understand what i am typing eevn if i do tihs you can stlil raed waht i am syanig so yeh your mind see words not letters. Why do people flame honestly WHY!!!!!!! come on sometimes a good burn is funny but dont go into detail of how it is *fake and gay* and you crack heads out there dont comment back this only adds fire to the fuel that is my annoyance for I AM TRYING TO READ SOME REVIEWS and you people are clogging it but not in a shoe kind of way. But then again i would love it if some flamed me at least then id have some more comment counts and move up in the ladders or what ever to get more people to flame me and then people may start sticking up for me. Mwahahahaar!!!!!! as you may of guessed i am a scientific theorist weirdo weirdness only just comming out now. Didnt think the public would want to see it but now i am reaching for higher and bigger places by expanding my demographic in futile attempts to get people interested in the idea of what if. Its like that quote i heard no idea who said it may have been me, the question isnt what now? its what if? Could you imagine how far we would be in the technology of useless stuff if all the nerds geeks and backyard inventors where contiually thinking what if. Like what if we put fingerprint pads on the toilet door so it can see whether the seat has to be up or down. Usefull, would save many marriges and embarrasing save me from the toilet episodes late at night Mwahhahahar. Btw this constant rambeling is what the majority of my posts will be from now on because hopefully this will be more responsive than my puppy. She winks though when she agrees with me. blahhhhhhh so yeh things should be perking up on this website. I have several questions for you which i am guessing none will be answered but eh here goes.
1) should i spell check?
2) should i use parragraphs?
3) colour scheme change?
4) any suggestions of i topic i should ramble my views just comment below

well it is late nows and finnaly i am tireds so good night or good morning and hello future because when you read this its going to be in the future Mwahahhahar

until next time

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Random sad/happy song i think. i made up on the spot tho

Bucket list:

If i were to die tommorrow
what would you have me do?
would we cry, and sing sad songs?
or eat ice cream and hope for it to go away?
hug untill the sorrow is gone?
No! we would play happy music and sing along
we would act as if nothing was wrong
dance and play and carry on

because today can be a happy day
full of excitement and wonder
because today can be a happy day
where we see how magical it all is
because today will be a happy day!
where i'd show that i love you.

If i were to die tommorrow,
what would you have me do?
would we stay at home?
stay just us two alone?
stuck in a sad hold?
No! we would go on an adventure
hike through the forest and hear the birds sing
we would have the time of our lives

Because today can be a happy day
for you and i..
because today can be a happy day
where we will try to touch the sky
because today will be a happy day!
where i'd show you that the world is a
fantastic place full of beauty

If i were to die tommorrow
would you say good bye?
would we go through photos
of distant memories?
No! we would go out and make
and take new ones, we would go
dance in the rain..

Because today can be a happy day
if you'll let me show you
Because today can be a happy day
If you'll let me take you
Because today will be a happy day!
where id make you happy....

Because today can be a happy day
if you'll let me show you
Because today can be a happy day
if you'll let me take you
Because today will be a happy day!
where id make you happy....

at least for a while....(whisper)

so its bad but what do you guys think?
its ok im not dying
and im not derpressed just came out. I was like lets write a song and this is what happened.

Manners, A rant inspired by V well for the first bit

Good evening to all on this aformentioned night for i am herin to annotate my sanctimonious views upon a apocryphal assembly. The affair i am adressing is the action of manners. The avocation of applying such adage's is now above the aprehension of the anew adolescent and anklebiters. Most have the appearance of arrogance,aversion and antipathic attitude against the aplication of amenities towards our society. Whilst i agree in actuality not all adollescent find it aging to use amenities, although this array of young ones slowly abates until there are none of the aquaint left.

Blah enough with the complicated words. I was getting confused. Now what i am trying to say is that these days it seems as if manners are going down the drain, when i was young it was bashed into my brain until it was second nature to say please and thank you, but no one seems to care for such simplistic signs of humanity any more. Gone seem the days of being nice for the sake of just being nice. Nowadays its "what are you looking at? huh ?". Im sorry but what has happened was it always this way and i have only just noticed? Ok so at time there where some who broke the rules or said screw you to others but not to the extent of these days. Children are getting out of control respect for elders are at there ends but also this can be blamed to the elders who flaunt their privilges or use their age as a defence but these are rare and thin.

All i want is not to hear five year old saying that they'll kill each other and to f' off. Or to hear of grandmas being bashed for fun. Pranks are no longer pranks and jokes arn't funny anymore. Where has the line gone? What happened to the cute little kids that would open the door for others, instead they try to close it on you as they go out. I saw a 13 year old the other day in tears because his mum wouldn't by him a chocolate bar. Come on people whats happened to us? Wheres the love? It seems everyone hates everyone, dont belive me look at our roads.

Road rage and the hate and contempt against bike riders. Ive seen complaints that cyclist should pay taxes the same as a car for riding on the road, or that they take up so much room. I dunno about you but last time i saw a bike rider he was pretty skinny and he was only riding on about 10 cm of the road. So im sorry but people need to get off their high horses and look around.

In a survey not to long ago it was found that 15,000 people in the area between mandurah and joondulup where homeless. 15,000 people, that may not sound like much in a world number perspective but thats around a third of the seats at subiaco stadium in perth. Now i think people need to get down open their eyes and wake up. Start considering others. If you have a problem with somehting explain when you express.

Oh and as an ending note all you try hard gangsters and assholes out there shut up and get a hobby, your not cool and hardly anyone likes you.

until next time have fun deciphering the first paragraph

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Everything can be connected

here's a whacked out semi scientific theory for you. Everything in the world, no the universe can be controlled by you. well not you per say but your conscience. Lets hypothetically say that atoms can 'communicate' with each other like say how phones can blue tooth. Well seeing we are made up of atoms and logically those atoms are the only things that are holding the secret to our conscious beings, couldn't we make the claim that seeing the atoms in our brain can communicate with each other in some unknown way couldn't we apply this bodily function to things out side of our body? say condense air in our hand by some how causing the alignment of our atomic structure in our skin, say like an octupus can do to camoflague to an amazing degree even being able to control texture we cause a magnetic feild to pull air into our palm. Same with being able to project energy and such. Now i know this seems far fetched but if you open your mind and think about it, it seems reletively possible we just need to figure out how to re-wire our brains in order for us to gain this this control over our bodies and still stay sane.

Science can prove that we can keep information inside atoms, well to some degree. This degree being -277C to be exhact. When atoms near absolute zero weird things happen and physics dont apply anymore(usally a good sign to stop what your doing but all well) we can actually insert information into atoms and essentially make a computer the size of an atom. Now these things are multi billion dollar pieces of equipment but even so proves that we can influence the enviroment around us by inserting informatin into the very fabrocs that keep it together. Now the main question here is why do we need to be near absolute zero to put information into atoms when we do it in our bodies somehow at nearly 80 degrees celcius( Mystery one).

Now my theory is that the universe is a system and like any system there is a code that runs it to some degree. A set path of motion if you will eg. live learn play die repeat, cows eat grass- cow dies- grass grows from cow. Now as we all know from codes if we work out the system we can alter its function eg: everything humanity has touched. If we can work out how atoms and our brains work we can back engerneer and work out how to influence our enviroment with essentially our mind. Now i dont mean full on lift boxes with the power of thought, physics must always play a role. You may not be able to lift the box but you may be able to move the air under it and so on.

Please leave you views on this idea and i will more than likely retouch on it because to me it is a very intriging prospect and if we can get it to work, think of the possibilities.

until next time have fun finding the typos


Hello followers and readers. Sorry that i did not post last week for i was away on holiday. and sorry but my drive for writing rants is running thin. I just think my main views have been said and read by those that have read them so from now on im going to just post anything and everything all my crazy ideas and experiments and other things. SO yeh heads up world, i may retouch a rant every now and then so for those out there who do enjoy my rants do not fear for they are not gone.

But what i really want to know is who reads this? hmm? who takes some time out to explore the boundaries with me? to question, to learn? I just wonder if my ideas are going unheard or not. i wonder this because my page will not let me see a counter at all so i must rely upon trust that people are getting to my ideas. Because my main plan for this blog was to start conversation, to start discussion. To get people to ponder or just hate me for what i was saying. really any feed back is good feed back so please post away even if you hate it. Let me know you hate it. Make an opinion for yourselves, dont follow the leader.

until next time i will go on un-edited

Friday, May 7, 2010

Can we appreciate people even if their terrible?

I had this crazy idea today. Even if a person is utterly bad can we still apreciate how great they were in a single part of their life?

My main example of this is Hitler, Yes the evil master of ww2, killer of jews and all round bad guy. But you can still give him some appreciation. He was a great public speaker, no he was an amazing public speaker who could and did bring on his thought into the minds of others to an amazing degree and even tho he is such a terrible evil person we have to give him credit in this area. Now i am not saying woo Hitler at all but we have to give credit where credit is due.

Now an interesting point was made while discussing this with a coleague of mine. Stalin, now Stalin is the only other person i can think of off the top of my head that could be counted as more evil than Hitler. Now everyone in Russia loves Stalin, Stalin killed entire classes of people, doctors, polititions, so on and so forth. So yes everyone loves Stalin but everyone hates Hitler. My question is why? why can one evil person be loved over another evil person.

Also another person who has to be aprreciated however not loved is Jack the Ripper because you have to admit, the Man (or woman) was a genius. Who did everything perfectly, and thus is why they didn't get caught and their identity to this day is still unknown. Now again i am not saying that this person should be congradulated in anyway but we have to admit that this person was a brilliant killer, this is from a purely technical point of view. The way in which they fed the police information and made such precise movements and points made it near impossible to find a suspect who fit the persona completely. At some points the police and investigators were making leads on evidence Jack had fed to them. This person(Jack) had a brilliant mind and had amazing planning skills they however did not use these skills for 'good'. I use quotations marks because it is all in the mind for what is good or evil but that is another discussion all together.

So there we have it, three people from history who are hated but must be recognised as brilliant for a small part of themselves that made them who they were. Hitler and Stalin for their charisma and public speaking and Jack for his amazing skills in planning and thougherness in making sure their was no trace of themself that the police could find.

so yes that was my interesting thought of a day until next time ....

Friday, April 30, 2010

Music and the Radio

I have come to the conclusion that the majority of the songs played on the radio are not music. I will accept the fact that they are songs and can be entertaining and quite good to listen too in the rare occasion but however they are not music. If it sounds like you could have made it in your sleep on a drum machine it isnt music it is a lymeric put to some doofs and duffs. Now if there is some doofs and duffs but some keyboard and guitar in there now that is music. Now this mainly goes toward the pop genre sense and at the minute is the only thing that the radio is playing. I dont care if you think that its music or not but in my opinion it isnt, a monkey could make those beats and trust me they do. A well made techno song on the other hand can take years to develop just the right timing and beat and such is music. Music is( to me) when you put as much time into the lyrics as the sound. So songs such as 'im in miami' or "blah blah blah" are not music. Half the time the lyrics dont make sense and you get bored in the first 10 seconds of the time and the people that do listen to them only listen to them because their addicted to song that have sex as a message, And face it its not even an underlining message it just comes out and says it. For example: Rude Boy by Rihanna
"I like the way you touch me there
I like the way you pull my hair
Babe, if I don't feel it I ain't faking, no, no
I like when you tell me 'kiss you there'
I like when you tell me 'move it there'
So giddy-up; time to get it up"

Please what else could this mean and come on if the kid is too young to understand what it means do you want them singing it. Admitably funny but just plan wrong. So my message to the radio put more songs on that people actually put time into making and developing and make sex subtle so adults can laugh and dont need to worry about their kids, music that evolves through the song and only repeats some of the lyrics in the chorus. Because at the minute the best songs on the radio are the gimmicks that Hamish and Andy make up in their spare time. So please future bands and groups in the music industry be original and only use a computer if need be you dont need it, because if you make your entire band on the computer. Any tom, dick and harry with garage band can come take your place.
so in final note thank you, triple J and my ipod for keeping me sane throught this interesting patch of radio music, hey its just a matter of time before we hit the screemo punk hybrids, cant wait.

untill next time comment away in the doobely bood below

new setup nd holy cow i actually spell checked it

Hello Children i have now found a new setup
I will be mostly posting friday and saturday nights (by night i mean the morning of the next day). This is due to lack of sleep in the weekdays and late at night cause i often stay up pondering and hence the starting of this blog. This new format should also give me time to make more thougher rants and such. I may still post during the week if i really have to say something or such but yes that is all. Oh this should result in like 3 posts a night which will give you plenty of reading sastifaction for the week. Oh an i would also like to expand the community so if you read something and like it can you press the share button on the side of the screen, it stands out because its the only white thing on the black of my page. So yeh i think thats everything for this post.

until next time....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

why do you care what i think?

Not so recently a girl almost got killed by the entirety of china because of a snobby opinion on a certain devastating earthquake, you may or may not remember this. The tweenage girl ( yay for new world terms) was arrested by the chinese government for unresting civil peace. Now if you screw up peace in china ( the entire china ) you must of done something bad, something really bad. No she didnt kill any one its much worse than that, she made a post on her internet blog that no one reads such as this one right now that no one reads, well i dont know blogger wont give me a hit count. So yeh then one right wing person saw it and ka-boooom her fan stomped working cause it was burried. All she said was why couldn't the news take breaks so she could have a happier day instead of seeing death all the time on the tv. But no the people of the WORLD ended up hating her, she was even on the news here in Aus, she got death threats, mail, videos, rocks wrapped in paper the list goes on. But my post isnt about her if she didnt want to see death on the tv she should've put a dvd on. My post is why do we as people care what others say or think it's not like they're opinions affect us, now an opinion held by by a considerable number of people, and are called rules and laws then they can affect you so i would share the same opinion as them for that. But why do you read what i type, Does it anger you if i say something wrong, or have a left or right wing opinion. I mean you dont even know me and its the freaking internet how do you know im not some kid with too much spare time. Why did people get worked up over her opinion, its not like she was a president and declared war on South Africa.
All that happened was that her singular opinion conflicted in group opinion and she got removed to keep everyones mind set the same way ( well in that case was a good mind set ) but werre the death threats really necessary ?

so why do you care what i write or dont you care unless i say stfu to some poor helpless people.

just a thought.

until next time
yay for no paragraphing or spell checking.

i blame you hunger ( a history lesson)

Hello loyal and maybe not so loyal readers, sorry i have been away for so long for that was because i was away with no laptop so yes.... let us move on

Now the topic as you can clearly see in the title is hunger and my rant is about blaming it for stuff. Now i am not going to talk about africa, even tho it is in a terrible state with hunger issues no, i am going to talk about something that killed over a billion lives directly and in directly. I am blaming the world wars on hunger.

Now before you go Wtf stuf you have no idea what your saying and are being stupid well im not. i actually did some research on this let us begin.

We begin our story with our main character Gavrilo Princip he is a young boy of 19, and i have no idea what he looks like so you can make a picture in your head. He was also a member of Young Bosnia and one of a group of assassins organized by the Black Hand, So aka a bad guy. And he wanted an Austro-Hungarian man by the name of Franz Ferdinand dead for some reason or another on his trip to Sarajevo(43rd best city in the world according to lonely planet), a town on the border of Austria-Hungry.

Now in this city many Serbians lived and celebrated several serbian holiday. Well Franz being an archduke and in line for the throne and all decided to parade through the streets on such a holiday. While he was parading through the streets in his shiny black car. Gavrilo and his buddies attacked him with a grenade, they missed and it went bang. Franz was repoterdly angry and yelling things at the crowd about bombs and such. Gavrilo was running away at this point anyway.

Now seeing Gavrilo failed in his mission and was very warn out from his running he felt hungry ( oh the irony ) so he went to a nearby cafe' to grab a bite to eat. As Gavrilo was biting into his delicious sandwhich to quench his hunger, guess who drove past because they took a wrong turn. Thats right children it was our friend Frans.

Now let me explain why Franz was driving past, well when the grenade went off it hit some of Franz's guards because well that was their job, and because they got hurt Franz instead of going into hiding wanted to go to the hospital to see these good men. Understandably the taxi drive made a wrong turn on the way ( this is more than likely due to having a bomb thrown at him earlier and still being expected to work) They then drove past the cafe' in which Gavrilo was sitting. Now Gavrilo seeing Franz pulled out his gun walked over to Franz and shot him in the chest. Franz then died, Austria-Hungry blamed Serbia, Russia and Germany got involved and then bang WW1, which in turn cause WW2.

But then again WW2 could have been avoided if an art school wasnt so snobby, but thats another story.

So yes in total the world wars have caused the death of over a billion unborn babies and millions of soldiers lives because Gavrilo got hungry (oh the irony again)

did i just make a history lesson entertaining?

until next time

Friday, April 2, 2010

options options options

In life you go to school you learn you go to more schooling learn some more generic skills and then more school? No thanks

why not?

Dont want to be at school anymore, been there for a good portion of my life

fair enough so what you going to do?

take a break for a bit

and then??

work it out from there, one step at a time.



So its been almost half a year what you going to do?

i don't know?

why not ?

so how many of you have been in this situation?
How many just chilled for almost half a year like they said and then, what? chilled the next half?

why do we do it? is it because we don't what we want? is it because there are too many options? Do we want to start our own buisness? Or is it really cause were scarred to comitt?

Because face it, it is a scary decision theres every chance that you'll hate and quit in the first day. Or we dont want to leave cause of the money.
Or is really because were scarred of dissapointment, if we try and we dont succede and were scarred we'll be looked upon by that, or dissapointment for not getting a high end job.

Well no one can say for sure really, is it really cause were lazy? well that one i dont think so, i think were scarred of trying, and really these people have never truely tried at anything, and they cant figure out how.

And sitting alone all day in a house chilling isn't going to help they're just going to get repressed, depressed and pissed off at their situation and everything around them, make some accusations then boom everything will go down the drain and maybe just maybe they'll get their act together and get on with it.

Or maybe if they still cant figure it out history will repeat itself.

so yeh dunno where it came from but i wrote it


btw i didnt spell or grmmar check ill get onto that

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ok i know im going to get flamed for this

HI readers,

sorry i have been away for a while, that's because i could not think of anything to post no, real worthy rants were coming to me. So i turned to the dark side, i looked into the rants that people shouldn't rant about, and guess what i found one.

My question to you is how is society on a whole?
Does it provide for you? Yeah i get by.
Let you be you? Maybe.
Is it a good system that is fair? .....

My answer to all of those is no, society doesn't provide for you, this is because everyone is just barely keeping their heads above the waters of bills and taxes. Now this isn't only in Australia no, I'm talking on a scale that incorporates the entire world. society doesn't let you be you, if your different your cast out of the tribe. You dress in black your instantly targeted as an emo or a goth, you dye your hair and bam your unemployable, get a piercing and your a rebel. Society has all these different little groups and these groups are all separate by a view shared by a majority of people.

My say on this is that today's society is just plain bad, the rich flourish and swim in basically pools of money. Then we have the well off, who have money but one false move and kaboom there goes their business and down with the majority who are trying to make ends meet at Christmas. Then there's the poor who struggle to make ends meet every week and have 2-3 full time jobs. Then there's the poor who don't have homes and are frowned upon by society. Well I'm one to say no more.

Every one knows that Africa is a 3rd world country, what we don't generally know or care about is that Africa is trying to up the anti and grow both economically and socially. Well pretty much the rest of the modern world said screw that we need the resources for our further expansion. Yes that's right, recently i read a news article stating that the modern world was stopping Africa's progress because there wasn't enough resources, not enough resources. Bull. In 2008 the world military expenditure was $1.464 trillion, On the military alone, come on that's a heap of money. Now if we do the maths ( I wouldn't trust these figures) this roughly equals out to about $236 per person in the world. So say we cut this by say $16 per person, which does sound reasonable, this would give Africa $96 billion (if i did my maths right)

According to world vision Australia it would cost around $431 to get 2 goats, a public toilet, 4 sets of pencils for school, 5 chickens, 4 child immunisations, and 4 blankets. Now i cant do the maths right now but if we work it out that 96 billion dollars can by a heap of stuff for Africa so i do not think that the world is really out of resources otherwise the stock markets would be soaring as everyone tried to get the last pieces of what evers left, new innovated technology would be researched faster and things wouldn't be as Cruise as they are now.

Now back to our society, we are so content on helping people in other country's that we fail to see our own, every city in Australia have homeless people. People who struggle to survive an average day, its these people who are condemned by society, because they didn't make it. But i ask why? Why do we condom them? Why do so many people just not care?

My solution to this is simple a world wide disater, now i know what your thinking, that's terrible millions would die, life as we know it would collapse in on itself and there wouldn't be any order to society. And i say I don't want the millions of deaths but what i say to the collapse of society, brilliant. It would truly be the first time where it would matter to be different, to make actual bonds with people not petty friends over facebook or twitter. But rather lifelong bonds with people whom of which you would put your life in their hands, and to form actual communities, Not only to survive the physical but the mental pain of such an event. The Government would be gone, Trading would be established in a fair way in which if you wanted something it would only be yours by trading it with something the person wants. Our society would have a complete turn over and would accept people for their strengths, weaknesses and actions not for their clothes or how popular they were before hand. It will only be after a brush with absolute disaster that we all see how beautiful the world is. And sure we would re-build and why shouldn't we, but we would re-build in a new and better way. Kind of what I'm saying is a Noah's ark but with less death and rain.

Now i am not wishing this upon the world at all for it would be truly disastrous in the beginning, but however it would be the easiest and fastest way to reset society and clean the slate.

Please leave a comment with your idea on how society is treating you and what you think of this idea.

Until next time

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quantum Mechanics

OK so i came across something a while back on the subject of quantum mechanics. Now this post isn't one like the others, where I'm full of opinion and want to rant away to you people that read this. Its just that i found this to be really interesting and cold leave you thinking which is my aim in this blog for you to go away thinking about what i have said/written. So here it is;

If you have a box and inside this box is a cat and a poisonous fish. and you close this box there are two main outcomes. The first being that when you open he box you find at the cat has eaten he fish and has died, Or secondly when you open the box the cat has not eaten the fish and lives.
Now this is the interesting part according to quantum mechanics both these situations have happened inside the box, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time, it is up to the observer to decide the outcome when they open the box.

See this got me thinking, does this happen on a day to day basis on a subconscious level, gambling for example enough people want a certain number it pops up, is everything really chance or is it the decision of the observer? you buy lotto but you never really believe that you are going to win, you always think its going to be someone else on a subconscious level. So if enough people truly believe that something is going to happen because that is their choice of observation, will it happen?
Is life just really a voting system, where 30% of people think that something will turn out one way and 70% think that it will be another will the situation go to the majority?

Now really at its basis this is all theory and guess work but it made me think,

What would you see when you open the box?

Until next time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

People don't care

What i have noticed lately is the decline in manners, and respect for others.

When i was at school we were always taught to say please and thank you and excuse me if you needed to walk between people. But what i have noticed lately is that people don't care if they offend others or just plain ignore that their there.

A couple of weeks ago i saw two kids fighting on their camp they were around the age of 10. They were in a full on brawl with biting and hitting below they belt, so being the caring person that i am i broke up the fight, to which both kids turned around and yelled at me, calling me a f**ktard and a d**khead then turned to hit me before their teacher walked in to which they just stared me down and walked out of the building. So i ask what the hell is happening to our youth? am i the only one who is seeing an increase in violence in the youth of our society. And we can't blame it on movies and games because those movies and games are rated so that they are not exposed to this content.

I have known of children who hit their parents if they don't get their way, the parents then instead of giving a punishment for such behaviour instead give the child the thing of which the seek. This is wrong, when training a dog to you give it its treat if it attacks you when you say sit?

And it isn't only children older generations are also at the point of being the only people on the planet. Being a waiter i am exposed to many many people. Some are quite kind and pleasant, but most are arrogant and rude, i saw hello they ignore me. The walk in say hi how are you? then give their order half way me saying hello back. People honestly couldn't give a crap of other opinions or worries. It's mostly white noise.

Am i the only one seeing this increase of violence and just plain arrogance? The trend of not caring? And honestly i blame the parents, The worst kids in school will have the parents that either are in denial or don't care, this kid is then seen as the cool kid because he rebels against the man and others follow suit, teachers then give up and the youth grows up with the views that were supplied to them, act good only around your parents, anywhere else its your world to rule.

As i said we cant blame things that are not available to such young ones like video games of ratings above m and movies of same suit. You could blame television but again it is the domain of the parental figure to make sure that such exposure is suitable for their age.

Our society is going down a hole, little bits are falling apart, which in turn is causing larger pieces to slowly decline and follow suit. This is my concern and i cant be the only one who sees this. It is obvious that society is failing and though I am not saying everyone is in the same boat, this boat is slowly getting bigger every day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

vegetarian or not vegetarian, there is no middle ground.

The most recent discussion i had outside of this wonderful world of the internet is that vegetarians won't eat fish. It is to my knowledge that to be a vegitarian you cannott eat meat, period.

So therefore if you say I'm a vegitarian, but i eat chicken, but that dosn't really matter. White meat isn't real meat. Uhh.. Last time i looked chickens were animals, unless their like pluto and got kicked from the list.

So saying im a vegitarian, but i eat white meat is kind of like saying, Im a vegitarian but i eat pork. So lets face it your not a vegitarian you just don't like the taste of red meat. Your no more vegitarian than a gorrilla. You prefer vegitation, but your fine with eating small easy to catch animals, like chicken or fish.

So stop saying your vegitarian, the only thing your accomplishing is annoying real vegitarians and confusing small children. Say you dont like red and get over it.

Your not vegitarian, end of story.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The English language is dying.

In a recent study the thee hardest languages to learn are:
1) Japanese
2) Australian
3) English

Yes that's right children we have harassed our original language to the point where it can be counted as a completely different one. Australian is the second hardest language in the world, Only to be beaten by Japanese who has three different dialects. Go into any school and listen to the words produced by the youth of our fine country. The most used word would be 'like' this is because it is like totally awesome like yeah and like he was like. I actually did hear this sentence used within the walls of a grammar school, whats wrong with us? A person can use the word like 15 times in a 30 word sentence and we can still understand what they are saying. It has gotten to the point where Americans cannot understand what we are saying. If you say ' oh there's heaps of food' they will look at you strangely and with a quizzical look upon their faces.

Not to long ago a word was introduced into the dictionary, it was bouncebackability, it is used to explain how someone can come back from a hard situation. We already have a word for this, this word is 'resilience' So i ask you what the hell?

People are now talking like tigger from Winnie the pooh with ttfn and TGIF used in actual sentences. Saying lol after actually laughing, ROFL when your not rolling on the floor or even laughing. Do we honestly not care how we sound that we just say what we want and explain what we really mean as if the other person is stupid?

We have gotten to the point where words are melding together because we can't be bothered saying both, eg. Awesational, it's where something is both awesome and sensational at the same time. Look it up on the urban dictionary it actually exists and is used by people in everyday life.

I actually can't believe that people can be so easily influenced that quick typing shortcuts are now used in actual speech. Some slang used now days makes you stop what your doing and go what the hell did they just say. Sometimes where worse than comedic British people in parody movies. We speak jargon and it is in our society encouraged.

For the last couple of years a television host show called roller coaster actually encouraged children of all ages to write in with their own quirky jargon comments or phrases to be spoken upon the show. But that's not all the host would then go on to use all of the words sent in by these children in a sentence. Children all over Australia watch this show to be educated and to be entertained.

So please i encourage people to expand their vocabulary instead of making up pointless words to change it. Value our language, stop using short cuts actual speech, laugh for real and say what you mean not what you want.

until next time

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just a thought

imagine if our whole world was created today just then in your mind, all of your memories are fake and tomorrow is subconciously up to you, well then tommorrow would be just like anyother day wouldnt it cause that is what your subconcious percieves as normal , and at this given moment your still asleep on your first night in the ouside world ?
just before you die in this world you wake up in a new unviserse to start anew, but this time will you have your memories burried deep in your subconcious making a so called instinct for you new body and so on and so on until we hit a point in infinty where everything explodes and resets. there i just explaned the big bang and multiverses its all in your head which is linked to mine and everyone elses, we control what happens next, we control the future with our subconcious, what we observe and what we see are two different things, you may observe rain in the distance but what you see is a rainbow. Now if you preemptively observed an event and firmly believed it to happen and enough people belived it, it would. Our minds control what we do, contiually making choices which in turn interact with other people which change and manipulate their choices which change others choices and so on until it is back to you. The world is one big web where all the concetions are the conections we make in our lives, now what would happen if we decided to jump string, to control what we observe what someone esle is doing even tho they make a different choice, would that change the out come of the future a singular step in someones life could stop them from running into someone, wich inturn would stop that person who then would go on an change someone elses day and so on until it come back to you. Kind of like a world size game of chinese whispers.

consumerism is a religion

We as people have taken onboard a new religion without realising. Being a consumer can be easily turned into a religion. This is for several reasons,It was created to please the people, feed the people and most of all lead the people on, give them hope. The people of modern day society hope for sales, to save their money only to feel less guilty to spend a fortune on some useless stuff, almost as if they pray to their gods and then buy something in order to fund their gods for the next sale and so on in a vicious cycle until either one dies and is replaced anew. A religion is started once it has acummilated 1,000,000 follower, about every person in the world can claim that they are a consumer. So we as consumers pretty much bow our heads to the people who control the prices and we bend to their will, we build monumental structures for them, we memorise the songs and cliche'. We worship them and that is all, i am not saying there is anything wrong with it but it is true. Without consumerism our way of life would fail, the very foundations of our finacial system would crumble and in a heartbeat we would be screwed. so enjoy being a consumer, go for the sales, live life, by petty objects that are meaningless and give them a reason

until next time children that is all

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

why do we try to achieve status?

Our society is, when you think about it, hindering our progress as a species. We are forced to schooling that hasn't changed since its begging. Where we sit in a class where we are given facts. We then get tested on those facts and we are then given a grade and sent on to further schooling. Where we go through the same process. It isnt until we have left school where a good deal of education happens, we are encouraged to learn and think for ourselves to find new and creative ways to do those things faster, better and cleaner. why dont we do this in school, give a range of lessons like this. Let students enjoy and dictate their own schooling to further their education to make new discoveries instead of just memorise facts to be graded on how many facts they memorised. why not grade them on their solutions to problems, their ideas and their motivation towards certain feilds???

So why do we try to acheive anything?... a rant

Everything we do today won't really have an impact on us tommorrow or the next day or the day after that. All the really useful things have already been invented. All the things being made these days are going to be replaced in the next year so why not save yourself some money and by the newer modle in a months time. For example why by an iphone when you can by and ipod a phone and a camera for half the price of one. Why do we try our hardest to get through school when all thats waiting for us on the other side is pain and agony of bills, transportation, more schooling, responsibilities, more bills, debt and hard work. Life was so much simpler in school. It was a simple go learn, leave ratio. Sometimes you didnt learn there and sometimes we learnt at home. But i'm going of topic now. Whats the point of making zillions of dollars. People are still going poor. Whats the point of making a vaccine for the common cold by the time we find and process the strain of the virus, analyse it, make a working vaccine, test it, re-make it, test it again, make enough for a population who can afford it( which lets face it arn't really the ones that need it) the virus has mutated to try and beat our own immune system so heres an idea how about all you scientists out there instead of making a vaccine or a cure how about making our immune systems stonger and smarter. Why make a name for yourself in a company in 20 years theres a 90% percent chance that after you retire (from work or life) the company will be brought by another company who only use the name as a marketing ploy. Example vegimite< Kraft < american company, Vegimite< made firstly in england. So yeh started off in england we then stole it and america some how owns it. And hey even if you do make something useful like hey the lightbulb by thomas eddison or that other guy whoever you belive made it. What do we think of it now? we hate it thats what. Its all fluroresent this and fluro green bulb that. ok so yeh im out of steam.

Until next time i will continue not to use spell check because i think you find it humorous finding all my typos and bad gramma. But yes until next time....

ps dont take what ever i say in rants by face value i am not saying give up on life i am more saying live each day for what it is worth because in the end the result of your life dosnt matter to anything really but yourself. If you had fun who gives a toss what others think.

pps vaccine makers keep making vaccines because some people do need them. eg small children and the elderly. Adults should be able to take care of themselves and hey teenagers are invincible so yeah...

The ice caps are NOT causing rising seas

Global warming for one is not bullshit, it is real but the facts around it are bull. For one the polar caps melting are not causing the rising seas, the melting ice should technically lower the sea level not raise them. Ice has a larger mass of water. Okay so now your thinking if its not the ice melting what is causing the increasing tide well children there are several reasons the main one being the increasing temperature of the sea is cause slight expansion. But seeing as all of the water is expanding the overall effect is pretty huge seeing the sea is pretty huge. Another reason to the expanding seas would be the humongous amounts of pollution we are dumping into the sea. This added mass increases the sea level as well. So there we are the 'fact' that the sea levels are rising from the melting polar caps is just plain wrong and anyone who truly believes it as it is is wrong and should perish for their wrongness.

Why? My rant at society

Why is the world so screwed?
Is it because our forefathers didn't think of the consequences or because the didn't give a crap about what was going to happen. They where too busy living in their world that they didn't think that researching new ways of transport other than the car. The electric car for example is not a new idea, it was invented and put on the market it sold extremely well and this was before hybrids came out, before the oil crisis, before the global warming scare (more on that later). The reason that this electric car cannot be found anymore is pretty much because the oil companies brought all of them via a government warrant and destroyed them and all records on how to build them. A year later the oil crisis was announced to the world and not long after that the hybrid car, which by the way was endorsed by the oil companies, came onto the market as the newest technology on the market for green energy. Well for one thing they are not entirely green, to make the lithium batteries to power the car is a pollutant in its own right let alone the charging of it and then on top of it all you still have to fill up on good old petroleum. Now i can be accused here of being a conspririost but come on the coincidences are just too perfect, my guess is that there is no overly bad oil crisis, but if there is we are, as a society today, officially screwed over by everyone in the past who didn't give a crap. Look around your room or office or what ever.. Okay now pretty much everything you laid your eyes on. Oil had a part in making, whether it being the actual raw material or it was used in the shipping. If we run out of oil we are screwed for at least a couple hundred thousand years or enough time for everything to decompose, be compacted and eventually turn into black gold once again. I for one do not think there is an oil scare per say. I believe that if there was we wouldn't only be looking into alternatives for cars but for everything else petroleum plays a part in making. I believe that the oil scare was not a marketing ploy for oil companies to just get more money but also by governments to ensure people try to save some, to get the by-product of protecting the green house.

I shall continue this rant in my next post, it shall be about the green house and societies effect on it