Sunday, May 30, 2010

rambling part one i think

first off this post most probably wont make sense and should deffenatly be a change to what i normally do but i couldnt remember if i had posted or not. This could be due to the lack of sleep last night/ this morning in crazy flying shark filled fun of PARTAI, yes spelling is wrong get over it you can still understand what i am typing eevn if i do tihs you can stlil raed waht i am syanig so yeh your mind see words not letters. Why do people flame honestly WHY!!!!!!! come on sometimes a good burn is funny but dont go into detail of how it is *fake and gay* and you crack heads out there dont comment back this only adds fire to the fuel that is my annoyance for I AM TRYING TO READ SOME REVIEWS and you people are clogging it but not in a shoe kind of way. But then again i would love it if some flamed me at least then id have some more comment counts and move up in the ladders or what ever to get more people to flame me and then people may start sticking up for me. Mwahahahaar!!!!!! as you may of guessed i am a scientific theorist weirdo weirdness only just comming out now. Didnt think the public would want to see it but now i am reaching for higher and bigger places by expanding my demographic in futile attempts to get people interested in the idea of what if. Its like that quote i heard no idea who said it may have been me, the question isnt what now? its what if? Could you imagine how far we would be in the technology of useless stuff if all the nerds geeks and backyard inventors where contiually thinking what if. Like what if we put fingerprint pads on the toilet door so it can see whether the seat has to be up or down. Usefull, would save many marriges and embarrasing save me from the toilet episodes late at night Mwahhahahar. Btw this constant rambeling is what the majority of my posts will be from now on because hopefully this will be more responsive than my puppy. She winks though when she agrees with me. blahhhhhhh so yeh things should be perking up on this website. I have several questions for you which i am guessing none will be answered but eh here goes.
1) should i spell check?
2) should i use parragraphs?
3) colour scheme change?
4) any suggestions of i topic i should ramble my views just comment below

well it is late nows and finnaly i am tireds so good night or good morning and hello future because when you read this its going to be in the future Mwahahhahar

until next time


  1. it takes all of 2 minutes to spellcheck and it adds plenty of professionalism.

    don't use paragraphs if your writing isn't structured in paragraph form,otherwise it will just read awkwardly.Paragraphs are meant to represent logical progression.

    colour scheme is an ENTIRELY personal aesthetic choice,the only thing i'd offer is that yuor header is hard to make out against that picture.

    As a topic,How do you think the world will end...and when and in the unlikely event you survive,what would you do?

  2. excellent thank you plebert
    i will get onto that post
