Friday, April 30, 2010

Music and the Radio

I have come to the conclusion that the majority of the songs played on the radio are not music. I will accept the fact that they are songs and can be entertaining and quite good to listen too in the rare occasion but however they are not music. If it sounds like you could have made it in your sleep on a drum machine it isnt music it is a lymeric put to some doofs and duffs. Now if there is some doofs and duffs but some keyboard and guitar in there now that is music. Now this mainly goes toward the pop genre sense and at the minute is the only thing that the radio is playing. I dont care if you think that its music or not but in my opinion it isnt, a monkey could make those beats and trust me they do. A well made techno song on the other hand can take years to develop just the right timing and beat and such is music. Music is( to me) when you put as much time into the lyrics as the sound. So songs such as 'im in miami' or "blah blah blah" are not music. Half the time the lyrics dont make sense and you get bored in the first 10 seconds of the time and the people that do listen to them only listen to them because their addicted to song that have sex as a message, And face it its not even an underlining message it just comes out and says it. For example: Rude Boy by Rihanna
"I like the way you touch me there
I like the way you pull my hair
Babe, if I don't feel it I ain't faking, no, no
I like when you tell me 'kiss you there'
I like when you tell me 'move it there'
So giddy-up; time to get it up"

Please what else could this mean and come on if the kid is too young to understand what it means do you want them singing it. Admitably funny but just plan wrong. So my message to the radio put more songs on that people actually put time into making and developing and make sex subtle so adults can laugh and dont need to worry about their kids, music that evolves through the song and only repeats some of the lyrics in the chorus. Because at the minute the best songs on the radio are the gimmicks that Hamish and Andy make up in their spare time. So please future bands and groups in the music industry be original and only use a computer if need be you dont need it, because if you make your entire band on the computer. Any tom, dick and harry with garage band can come take your place.
so in final note thank you, triple J and my ipod for keeping me sane throught this interesting patch of radio music, hey its just a matter of time before we hit the screemo punk hybrids, cant wait.

untill next time comment away in the doobely bood below

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