Friday, May 7, 2010

Can we appreciate people even if their terrible?

I had this crazy idea today. Even if a person is utterly bad can we still apreciate how great they were in a single part of their life?

My main example of this is Hitler, Yes the evil master of ww2, killer of jews and all round bad guy. But you can still give him some appreciation. He was a great public speaker, no he was an amazing public speaker who could and did bring on his thought into the minds of others to an amazing degree and even tho he is such a terrible evil person we have to give him credit in this area. Now i am not saying woo Hitler at all but we have to give credit where credit is due.

Now an interesting point was made while discussing this with a coleague of mine. Stalin, now Stalin is the only other person i can think of off the top of my head that could be counted as more evil than Hitler. Now everyone in Russia loves Stalin, Stalin killed entire classes of people, doctors, polititions, so on and so forth. So yes everyone loves Stalin but everyone hates Hitler. My question is why? why can one evil person be loved over another evil person.

Also another person who has to be aprreciated however not loved is Jack the Ripper because you have to admit, the Man (or woman) was a genius. Who did everything perfectly, and thus is why they didn't get caught and their identity to this day is still unknown. Now again i am not saying that this person should be congradulated in anyway but we have to admit that this person was a brilliant killer, this is from a purely technical point of view. The way in which they fed the police information and made such precise movements and points made it near impossible to find a suspect who fit the persona completely. At some points the police and investigators were making leads on evidence Jack had fed to them. This person(Jack) had a brilliant mind and had amazing planning skills they however did not use these skills for 'good'. I use quotations marks because it is all in the mind for what is good or evil but that is another discussion all together.

So there we have it, three people from history who are hated but must be recognised as brilliant for a small part of themselves that made them who they were. Hitler and Stalin for their charisma and public speaking and Jack for his amazing skills in planning and thougherness in making sure their was no trace of themself that the police could find.

so yes that was my interesting thought of a day until next time ....

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