Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Manners, A rant inspired by V well for the first bit

Good evening to all on this aformentioned night for i am herin to annotate my sanctimonious views upon a apocryphal assembly. The affair i am adressing is the action of manners. The avocation of applying such adage's is now above the aprehension of the anew adolescent and anklebiters. Most have the appearance of arrogance,aversion and antipathic attitude against the aplication of amenities towards our society. Whilst i agree in actuality not all adollescent find it aging to use amenities, although this array of young ones slowly abates until there are none of the aquaint left.

Blah enough with the complicated words. I was getting confused. Now what i am trying to say is that these days it seems as if manners are going down the drain, when i was young it was bashed into my brain until it was second nature to say please and thank you, but no one seems to care for such simplistic signs of humanity any more. Gone seem the days of being nice for the sake of just being nice. Nowadays its "what are you looking at? huh ?". Im sorry but what has happened was it always this way and i have only just noticed? Ok so at time there where some who broke the rules or said screw you to others but not to the extent of these days. Children are getting out of control respect for elders are at there ends but also this can be blamed to the elders who flaunt their privilges or use their age as a defence but these are rare and thin.

All i want is not to hear five year old saying that they'll kill each other and to f' off. Or to hear of grandmas being bashed for fun. Pranks are no longer pranks and jokes arn't funny anymore. Where has the line gone? What happened to the cute little kids that would open the door for others, instead they try to close it on you as they go out. I saw a 13 year old the other day in tears because his mum wouldn't by him a chocolate bar. Come on people whats happened to us? Wheres the love? It seems everyone hates everyone, dont belive me look at our roads.

Road rage and the hate and contempt against bike riders. Ive seen complaints that cyclist should pay taxes the same as a car for riding on the road, or that they take up so much room. I dunno about you but last time i saw a bike rider he was pretty skinny and he was only riding on about 10 cm of the road. So im sorry but people need to get off their high horses and look around.

In a survey not to long ago it was found that 15,000 people in the area between mandurah and joondulup where homeless. 15,000 people, that may not sound like much in a world number perspective but thats around a third of the seats at subiaco stadium in perth. Now i think people need to get down open their eyes and wake up. Start considering others. If you have a problem with somehting explain when you express.

Oh and as an ending note all you try hard gangsters and assholes out there shut up and get a hobby, your not cool and hardly anyone likes you.

until next time have fun deciphering the first paragraph

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