Monday, March 15, 2010

People don't care

What i have noticed lately is the decline in manners, and respect for others.

When i was at school we were always taught to say please and thank you and excuse me if you needed to walk between people. But what i have noticed lately is that people don't care if they offend others or just plain ignore that their there.

A couple of weeks ago i saw two kids fighting on their camp they were around the age of 10. They were in a full on brawl with biting and hitting below they belt, so being the caring person that i am i broke up the fight, to which both kids turned around and yelled at me, calling me a f**ktard and a d**khead then turned to hit me before their teacher walked in to which they just stared me down and walked out of the building. So i ask what the hell is happening to our youth? am i the only one who is seeing an increase in violence in the youth of our society. And we can't blame it on movies and games because those movies and games are rated so that they are not exposed to this content.

I have known of children who hit their parents if they don't get their way, the parents then instead of giving a punishment for such behaviour instead give the child the thing of which the seek. This is wrong, when training a dog to you give it its treat if it attacks you when you say sit?

And it isn't only children older generations are also at the point of being the only people on the planet. Being a waiter i am exposed to many many people. Some are quite kind and pleasant, but most are arrogant and rude, i saw hello they ignore me. The walk in say hi how are you? then give their order half way me saying hello back. People honestly couldn't give a crap of other opinions or worries. It's mostly white noise.

Am i the only one seeing this increase of violence and just plain arrogance? The trend of not caring? And honestly i blame the parents, The worst kids in school will have the parents that either are in denial or don't care, this kid is then seen as the cool kid because he rebels against the man and others follow suit, teachers then give up and the youth grows up with the views that were supplied to them, act good only around your parents, anywhere else its your world to rule.

As i said we cant blame things that are not available to such young ones like video games of ratings above m and movies of same suit. You could blame television but again it is the domain of the parental figure to make sure that such exposure is suitable for their age.

Our society is going down a hole, little bits are falling apart, which in turn is causing larger pieces to slowly decline and follow suit. This is my concern and i cant be the only one who sees this. It is obvious that society is failing and though I am not saying everyone is in the same boat, this boat is slowly getting bigger every day.

1 comment:

  1. "You could blame television but again it is the domain of the parental figure to make sure that such exposure is suitable for their age."

    You nailed it right there. Parenting as a skill is diminishing, for a variety of reasons, leading to poor upbringings for us.
