Saturday, May 22, 2010

Everything can be connected

here's a whacked out semi scientific theory for you. Everything in the world, no the universe can be controlled by you. well not you per say but your conscience. Lets hypothetically say that atoms can 'communicate' with each other like say how phones can blue tooth. Well seeing we are made up of atoms and logically those atoms are the only things that are holding the secret to our conscious beings, couldn't we make the claim that seeing the atoms in our brain can communicate with each other in some unknown way couldn't we apply this bodily function to things out side of our body? say condense air in our hand by some how causing the alignment of our atomic structure in our skin, say like an octupus can do to camoflague to an amazing degree even being able to control texture we cause a magnetic feild to pull air into our palm. Same with being able to project energy and such. Now i know this seems far fetched but if you open your mind and think about it, it seems reletively possible we just need to figure out how to re-wire our brains in order for us to gain this this control over our bodies and still stay sane.

Science can prove that we can keep information inside atoms, well to some degree. This degree being -277C to be exhact. When atoms near absolute zero weird things happen and physics dont apply anymore(usally a good sign to stop what your doing but all well) we can actually insert information into atoms and essentially make a computer the size of an atom. Now these things are multi billion dollar pieces of equipment but even so proves that we can influence the enviroment around us by inserting informatin into the very fabrocs that keep it together. Now the main question here is why do we need to be near absolute zero to put information into atoms when we do it in our bodies somehow at nearly 80 degrees celcius( Mystery one).

Now my theory is that the universe is a system and like any system there is a code that runs it to some degree. A set path of motion if you will eg. live learn play die repeat, cows eat grass- cow dies- grass grows from cow. Now as we all know from codes if we work out the system we can alter its function eg: everything humanity has touched. If we can work out how atoms and our brains work we can back engerneer and work out how to influence our enviroment with essentially our mind. Now i dont mean full on lift boxes with the power of thought, physics must always play a role. You may not be able to lift the box but you may be able to move the air under it and so on.

Please leave you views on this idea and i will more than likely retouch on it because to me it is a very intriging prospect and if we can get it to work, think of the possibilities.

until next time have fun finding the typos

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