Sunday, April 25, 2010

i blame you hunger ( a history lesson)

Hello loyal and maybe not so loyal readers, sorry i have been away for so long for that was because i was away with no laptop so yes.... let us move on

Now the topic as you can clearly see in the title is hunger and my rant is about blaming it for stuff. Now i am not going to talk about africa, even tho it is in a terrible state with hunger issues no, i am going to talk about something that killed over a billion lives directly and in directly. I am blaming the world wars on hunger.

Now before you go Wtf stuf you have no idea what your saying and are being stupid well im not. i actually did some research on this let us begin.

We begin our story with our main character Gavrilo Princip he is a young boy of 19, and i have no idea what he looks like so you can make a picture in your head. He was also a member of Young Bosnia and one of a group of assassins organized by the Black Hand, So aka a bad guy. And he wanted an Austro-Hungarian man by the name of Franz Ferdinand dead for some reason or another on his trip to Sarajevo(43rd best city in the world according to lonely planet), a town on the border of Austria-Hungry.

Now in this city many Serbians lived and celebrated several serbian holiday. Well Franz being an archduke and in line for the throne and all decided to parade through the streets on such a holiday. While he was parading through the streets in his shiny black car. Gavrilo and his buddies attacked him with a grenade, they missed and it went bang. Franz was repoterdly angry and yelling things at the crowd about bombs and such. Gavrilo was running away at this point anyway.

Now seeing Gavrilo failed in his mission and was very warn out from his running he felt hungry ( oh the irony ) so he went to a nearby cafe' to grab a bite to eat. As Gavrilo was biting into his delicious sandwhich to quench his hunger, guess who drove past because they took a wrong turn. Thats right children it was our friend Frans.

Now let me explain why Franz was driving past, well when the grenade went off it hit some of Franz's guards because well that was their job, and because they got hurt Franz instead of going into hiding wanted to go to the hospital to see these good men. Understandably the taxi drive made a wrong turn on the way ( this is more than likely due to having a bomb thrown at him earlier and still being expected to work) They then drove past the cafe' in which Gavrilo was sitting. Now Gavrilo seeing Franz pulled out his gun walked over to Franz and shot him in the chest. Franz then died, Austria-Hungry blamed Serbia, Russia and Germany got involved and then bang WW1, which in turn cause WW2.

But then again WW2 could have been avoided if an art school wasnt so snobby, but thats another story.

So yes in total the world wars have caused the death of over a billion unborn babies and millions of soldiers lives because Gavrilo got hungry (oh the irony again)

did i just make a history lesson entertaining?

until next time

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