Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quantum Mechanics

OK so i came across something a while back on the subject of quantum mechanics. Now this post isn't one like the others, where I'm full of opinion and want to rant away to you people that read this. Its just that i found this to be really interesting and cold leave you thinking which is my aim in this blog for you to go away thinking about what i have said/written. So here it is;

If you have a box and inside this box is a cat and a poisonous fish. and you close this box there are two main outcomes. The first being that when you open he box you find at the cat has eaten he fish and has died, Or secondly when you open the box the cat has not eaten the fish and lives.
Now this is the interesting part according to quantum mechanics both these situations have happened inside the box, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time, it is up to the observer to decide the outcome when they open the box.

See this got me thinking, does this happen on a day to day basis on a subconscious level, gambling for example enough people want a certain number it pops up, is everything really chance or is it the decision of the observer? you buy lotto but you never really believe that you are going to win, you always think its going to be someone else on a subconscious level. So if enough people truly believe that something is going to happen because that is their choice of observation, will it happen?
Is life just really a voting system, where 30% of people think that something will turn out one way and 70% think that it will be another will the situation go to the majority?

Now really at its basis this is all theory and guess work but it made me think,

What would you see when you open the box?

Until next time.

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