Thursday, March 4, 2010

The English language is dying.

In a recent study the thee hardest languages to learn are:
1) Japanese
2) Australian
3) English

Yes that's right children we have harassed our original language to the point where it can be counted as a completely different one. Australian is the second hardest language in the world, Only to be beaten by Japanese who has three different dialects. Go into any school and listen to the words produced by the youth of our fine country. The most used word would be 'like' this is because it is like totally awesome like yeah and like he was like. I actually did hear this sentence used within the walls of a grammar school, whats wrong with us? A person can use the word like 15 times in a 30 word sentence and we can still understand what they are saying. It has gotten to the point where Americans cannot understand what we are saying. If you say ' oh there's heaps of food' they will look at you strangely and with a quizzical look upon their faces.

Not to long ago a word was introduced into the dictionary, it was bouncebackability, it is used to explain how someone can come back from a hard situation. We already have a word for this, this word is 'resilience' So i ask you what the hell?

People are now talking like tigger from Winnie the pooh with ttfn and TGIF used in actual sentences. Saying lol after actually laughing, ROFL when your not rolling on the floor or even laughing. Do we honestly not care how we sound that we just say what we want and explain what we really mean as if the other person is stupid?

We have gotten to the point where words are melding together because we can't be bothered saying both, eg. Awesational, it's where something is both awesome and sensational at the same time. Look it up on the urban dictionary it actually exists and is used by people in everyday life.

I actually can't believe that people can be so easily influenced that quick typing shortcuts are now used in actual speech. Some slang used now days makes you stop what your doing and go what the hell did they just say. Sometimes where worse than comedic British people in parody movies. We speak jargon and it is in our society encouraged.

For the last couple of years a television host show called roller coaster actually encouraged children of all ages to write in with their own quirky jargon comments or phrases to be spoken upon the show. But that's not all the host would then go on to use all of the words sent in by these children in a sentence. Children all over Australia watch this show to be educated and to be entertained.

So please i encourage people to expand their vocabulary instead of making up pointless words to change it. Value our language, stop using short cuts actual speech, laugh for real and say what you mean not what you want.

until next time


  1. Grammar school? Did you even check your spelling and grammar before publishing this? And I highly, highly doubt that a television show is influincing the way we talk. I don't hear people walking around talking like Elliot. Also, if your going to 'bag' a word, as you did with "like", don't then go and use it in your next undoes all of your argument...

  2. hey scott first off thank you for actually reading and commenting.
    congrats for being first comment

    for your first question it was actually a grammar and spelling school, a specialised class. secondly no i didnt really do a spell check

    tv is influencing the way we talk, most children are picking up american accents and slang from commercials. Rollercoaster was an example of encouragement of melding words. And the like sentence was a quote if you continue your reading.

    again thanks for reading and leaving your opinion

  3. Firstly,Good work michael...much clearer writing than your first efforts
    In my humble opinion,the english language is not being ruined,it is merely it for better or worse(my inclination is for worse).Im not sure if you've ever read a book called 1984 by George Orwell,but in it there is a form of the english language called "newspeak",where in through a cleansing process the english language is condensed down,where things are either good or ungood and if they are really good they are doublegood.This i think is analogous to the progression of the english language towards a much lazier form.Then again...this is the way it's always been,people have always been retarded,it's just way more apparent when you're living through it.

  4. Words change all the time.

    Shakespeare is regarded as one of the greatest writers of all time, but he invented countless amounts of words that have made their way into everyday vocabulary, such as "assassinate".

    If he wrote today, his plays would sound like:
    "Lol Romeo, I luv u."
    "Juliet, you're lovetastic. Wanna be my gee-eff?"
