Friday, April 2, 2010

options options options

In life you go to school you learn you go to more schooling learn some more generic skills and then more school? No thanks

why not?

Dont want to be at school anymore, been there for a good portion of my life

fair enough so what you going to do?

take a break for a bit

and then??

work it out from there, one step at a time.



So its been almost half a year what you going to do?

i don't know?

why not ?

so how many of you have been in this situation?
How many just chilled for almost half a year like they said and then, what? chilled the next half?

why do we do it? is it because we don't what we want? is it because there are too many options? Do we want to start our own buisness? Or is it really cause were scarred to comitt?

Because face it, it is a scary decision theres every chance that you'll hate and quit in the first day. Or we dont want to leave cause of the money.
Or is really because were scarred of dissapointment, if we try and we dont succede and were scarred we'll be looked upon by that, or dissapointment for not getting a high end job.

Well no one can say for sure really, is it really cause were lazy? well that one i dont think so, i think were scarred of trying, and really these people have never truely tried at anything, and they cant figure out how.

And sitting alone all day in a house chilling isn't going to help they're just going to get repressed, depressed and pissed off at their situation and everything around them, make some accusations then boom everything will go down the drain and maybe just maybe they'll get their act together and get on with it.

Or maybe if they still cant figure it out history will repeat itself.

so yeh dunno where it came from but i wrote it


btw i didnt spell or grmmar check ill get onto that

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the younger generation are lazy. I think there's so many choices in life now that it's hard to decide what path you want to take. Also, I think you are a bit scared because it's a big wide world out there and you've had a pretty good life at home with parents worrying about the bills, food, etc. It's no wonder you lot are scared about making some big life decisions, because us parents have sheltered you and tried to make life easier for you than it was for us!! That's not a bad thing by the way, but I think it does make it harder to move forward on your own. You'll know when the time is right, and you'll eventually work out what you want to do. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't look back. We've all made bad decisions in life - yes, even us parents!!!
