Sunday, April 25, 2010

why do you care what i think?

Not so recently a girl almost got killed by the entirety of china because of a snobby opinion on a certain devastating earthquake, you may or may not remember this. The tweenage girl ( yay for new world terms) was arrested by the chinese government for unresting civil peace. Now if you screw up peace in china ( the entire china ) you must of done something bad, something really bad. No she didnt kill any one its much worse than that, she made a post on her internet blog that no one reads such as this one right now that no one reads, well i dont know blogger wont give me a hit count. So yeh then one right wing person saw it and ka-boooom her fan stomped working cause it was burried. All she said was why couldn't the news take breaks so she could have a happier day instead of seeing death all the time on the tv. But no the people of the WORLD ended up hating her, she was even on the news here in Aus, she got death threats, mail, videos, rocks wrapped in paper the list goes on. But my post isnt about her if she didnt want to see death on the tv she should've put a dvd on. My post is why do we as people care what others say or think it's not like they're opinions affect us, now an opinion held by by a considerable number of people, and are called rules and laws then they can affect you so i would share the same opinion as them for that. But why do you read what i type, Does it anger you if i say something wrong, or have a left or right wing opinion. I mean you dont even know me and its the freaking internet how do you know im not some kid with too much spare time. Why did people get worked up over her opinion, its not like she was a president and declared war on South Africa.
All that happened was that her singular opinion conflicted in group opinion and she got removed to keep everyones mind set the same way ( well in that case was a good mind set ) but werre the death threats really necessary ?

so why do you care what i write or dont you care unless i say stfu to some poor helpless people.

just a thought.

until next time
yay for no paragraphing or spell checking.

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