Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just a thought

imagine if our whole world was created today just then in your mind, all of your memories are fake and tomorrow is subconciously up to you, well then tommorrow would be just like anyother day wouldnt it cause that is what your subconcious percieves as normal , and at this given moment your still asleep on your first night in the ouside world ?
just before you die in this world you wake up in a new unviserse to start anew, but this time will you have your memories burried deep in your subconcious making a so called instinct for you new body and so on and so on until we hit a point in infinty where everything explodes and resets. there i just explaned the big bang and multiverses its all in your head which is linked to mine and everyone elses, we control what happens next, we control the future with our subconcious, what we observe and what we see are two different things, you may observe rain in the distance but what you see is a rainbow. Now if you preemptively observed an event and firmly believed it to happen and enough people belived it, it would. Our minds control what we do, contiually making choices which in turn interact with other people which change and manipulate their choices which change others choices and so on until it is back to you. The world is one big web where all the concetions are the conections we make in our lives, now what would happen if we decided to jump string, to control what we observe what someone esle is doing even tho they make a different choice, would that change the out come of the future a singular step in someones life could stop them from running into someone, wich inturn would stop that person who then would go on an change someone elses day and so on until it come back to you. Kind of like a world size game of chinese whispers.

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