Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello followers and readers. Sorry that i did not post last week for i was away on holiday. and sorry but my drive for writing rants is running thin. I just think my main views have been said and read by those that have read them so from now on im going to just post anything and everything all my crazy ideas and experiments and other things. SO yeh heads up world, i may retouch a rant every now and then so for those out there who do enjoy my rants do not fear for they are not gone.

But what i really want to know is who reads this? hmm? who takes some time out to explore the boundaries with me? to question, to learn? I just wonder if my ideas are going unheard or not. i wonder this because my page will not let me see a counter at all so i must rely upon trust that people are getting to my ideas. Because my main plan for this blog was to start conversation, to start discussion. To get people to ponder or just hate me for what i was saying. really any feed back is good feed back so please post away even if you hate it. Let me know you hate it. Make an opinion for yourselves, dont follow the leader.

until next time i will go on un-edited

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