Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why? My rant at society

Why is the world so screwed?
Is it because our forefathers didn't think of the consequences or because the didn't give a crap about what was going to happen. They where too busy living in their world that they didn't think that researching new ways of transport other than the car. The electric car for example is not a new idea, it was invented and put on the market it sold extremely well and this was before hybrids came out, before the oil crisis, before the global warming scare (more on that later). The reason that this electric car cannot be found anymore is pretty much because the oil companies brought all of them via a government warrant and destroyed them and all records on how to build them. A year later the oil crisis was announced to the world and not long after that the hybrid car, which by the way was endorsed by the oil companies, came onto the market as the newest technology on the market for green energy. Well for one thing they are not entirely green, to make the lithium batteries to power the car is a pollutant in its own right let alone the charging of it and then on top of it all you still have to fill up on good old petroleum. Now i can be accused here of being a conspririost but come on the coincidences are just too perfect, my guess is that there is no overly bad oil crisis, but if there is we are, as a society today, officially screwed over by everyone in the past who didn't give a crap. Look around your room or office or what ever.. Okay now pretty much everything you laid your eyes on. Oil had a part in making, whether it being the actual raw material or it was used in the shipping. If we run out of oil we are screwed for at least a couple hundred thousand years or enough time for everything to decompose, be compacted and eventually turn into black gold once again. I for one do not think there is an oil scare per say. I believe that if there was we wouldn't only be looking into alternatives for cars but for everything else petroleum plays a part in making. I believe that the oil scare was not a marketing ploy for oil companies to just get more money but also by governments to ensure people try to save some, to get the by-product of protecting the green house.

I shall continue this rant in my next post, it shall be about the green house and societies effect on it

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