Monday, March 8, 2010

vegetarian or not vegetarian, there is no middle ground.

The most recent discussion i had outside of this wonderful world of the internet is that vegetarians won't eat fish. It is to my knowledge that to be a vegitarian you cannott eat meat, period.

So therefore if you say I'm a vegitarian, but i eat chicken, but that dosn't really matter. White meat isn't real meat. Uhh.. Last time i looked chickens were animals, unless their like pluto and got kicked from the list.

So saying im a vegitarian, but i eat white meat is kind of like saying, Im a vegitarian but i eat pork. So lets face it your not a vegitarian you just don't like the taste of red meat. Your no more vegitarian than a gorrilla. You prefer vegitation, but your fine with eating small easy to catch animals, like chicken or fish.

So stop saying your vegitarian, the only thing your accomplishing is annoying real vegitarians and confusing small children. Say you dont like red and get over it.

Your not vegitarian, end of story.


  1. LOL!
    I like this one. Very true. Although vegans get thrown into the equation too...And I know it's the internet and everything, and no-one cares...but its spelt it right once =D
    I'm a vegetarian, and eating pork was my idea!
    I just thought of that and it sounded probably isn't

  2. note to sel read comments then edit accordingly, made scott look a little cookoo.

    i found your joke funny, because its ripping of windows 7
