Wednesday, March 3, 2010

consumerism is a religion

We as people have taken onboard a new religion without realising. Being a consumer can be easily turned into a religion. This is for several reasons,It was created to please the people, feed the people and most of all lead the people on, give them hope. The people of modern day society hope for sales, to save their money only to feel less guilty to spend a fortune on some useless stuff, almost as if they pray to their gods and then buy something in order to fund their gods for the next sale and so on in a vicious cycle until either one dies and is replaced anew. A religion is started once it has acummilated 1,000,000 follower, about every person in the world can claim that they are a consumer. So we as consumers pretty much bow our heads to the people who control the prices and we bend to their will, we build monumental structures for them, we memorise the songs and cliche'. We worship them and that is all, i am not saying there is anything wrong with it but it is true. Without consumerism our way of life would fail, the very foundations of our finacial system would crumble and in a heartbeat we would be screwed. so enjoy being a consumer, go for the sales, live life, by petty objects that are meaningless and give them a reason

until next time children that is all

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