Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ok i know im going to get flamed for this

HI readers,

sorry i have been away for a while, that's because i could not think of anything to post no, real worthy rants were coming to me. So i turned to the dark side, i looked into the rants that people shouldn't rant about, and guess what i found one.

My question to you is how is society on a whole?
Does it provide for you? Yeah i get by.
Let you be you? Maybe.
Is it a good system that is fair? .....

My answer to all of those is no, society doesn't provide for you, this is because everyone is just barely keeping their heads above the waters of bills and taxes. Now this isn't only in Australia no, I'm talking on a scale that incorporates the entire world. society doesn't let you be you, if your different your cast out of the tribe. You dress in black your instantly targeted as an emo or a goth, you dye your hair and bam your unemployable, get a piercing and your a rebel. Society has all these different little groups and these groups are all separate by a view shared by a majority of people.

My say on this is that today's society is just plain bad, the rich flourish and swim in basically pools of money. Then we have the well off, who have money but one false move and kaboom there goes their business and down with the majority who are trying to make ends meet at Christmas. Then there's the poor who struggle to make ends meet every week and have 2-3 full time jobs. Then there's the poor who don't have homes and are frowned upon by society. Well I'm one to say no more.

Every one knows that Africa is a 3rd world country, what we don't generally know or care about is that Africa is trying to up the anti and grow both economically and socially. Well pretty much the rest of the modern world said screw that we need the resources for our further expansion. Yes that's right, recently i read a news article stating that the modern world was stopping Africa's progress because there wasn't enough resources, not enough resources. Bull. In 2008 the world military expenditure was $1.464 trillion, On the military alone, come on that's a heap of money. Now if we do the maths ( I wouldn't trust these figures) this roughly equals out to about $236 per person in the world. So say we cut this by say $16 per person, which does sound reasonable, this would give Africa $96 billion (if i did my maths right)

According to world vision Australia it would cost around $431 to get 2 goats, a public toilet, 4 sets of pencils for school, 5 chickens, 4 child immunisations, and 4 blankets. Now i cant do the maths right now but if we work it out that 96 billion dollars can by a heap of stuff for Africa so i do not think that the world is really out of resources otherwise the stock markets would be soaring as everyone tried to get the last pieces of what evers left, new innovated technology would be researched faster and things wouldn't be as Cruise as they are now.

Now back to our society, we are so content on helping people in other country's that we fail to see our own, every city in Australia have homeless people. People who struggle to survive an average day, its these people who are condemned by society, because they didn't make it. But i ask why? Why do we condom them? Why do so many people just not care?

My solution to this is simple a world wide disater, now i know what your thinking, that's terrible millions would die, life as we know it would collapse in on itself and there wouldn't be any order to society. And i say I don't want the millions of deaths but what i say to the collapse of society, brilliant. It would truly be the first time where it would matter to be different, to make actual bonds with people not petty friends over facebook or twitter. But rather lifelong bonds with people whom of which you would put your life in their hands, and to form actual communities, Not only to survive the physical but the mental pain of such an event. The Government would be gone, Trading would be established in a fair way in which if you wanted something it would only be yours by trading it with something the person wants. Our society would have a complete turn over and would accept people for their strengths, weaknesses and actions not for their clothes or how popular they were before hand. It will only be after a brush with absolute disaster that we all see how beautiful the world is. And sure we would re-build and why shouldn't we, but we would re-build in a new and better way. Kind of what I'm saying is a Noah's ark but with less death and rain.

Now i am not wishing this upon the world at all for it would be truly disastrous in the beginning, but however it would be the easiest and fastest way to reset society and clean the slate.

Please leave a comment with your idea on how society is treating you and what you think of this idea.

Until next time


  1. so,you are basically proposing a watered down version of communism?.Also If societies the problem,then by definition...people are the problem...inherently.But that's the way things have always been,my friend.From Attila the Hun to Tienanmen square.The problem we need to fix is located somewhere deep inside the human experience

  2. true but it would be proper marxism not communism if you want to put it that way and no i am not proposing that i am proposing a reset of society and economics and governments where the useful people florish not the rich

  3. "Why do we condom them?" I lol'd.

    And Africa is not a country. ;)

    But you raise some good points.

    Unfortunately, the problems you raise exist because of basic human nature.

    1. We form groups out of evolutionary instinct for survival and growth, usually associating with those who are share aspects of ourselves (be they race, geographic territory, socioeconomic status, right down to the mundane such as fashion preferences and favourite TV shows)

    2. We are extremely selfish beings, if not just for ourselves then our groups we belong to as well.

    These two traits of human nature, when they combine, lead us to thinking we are better and/or more important than other groups, which ultimately leads to conflict which ultimately leads to all the problems you mention.

    However, as long as we keep looking for solutions and questioning these flaws of ourselves, as we are now, we're making positive progress both individually and on a whole.

  4. A non-nomadic greater society,i.e more than just communal living,has been around what?...5000 years?...Homo sapiens as a species? 200 000... that's 2.5% of our existence in regimented hierarchical system.Suffice to say the vast majority of our species evolution has occurred during a period where survival was the purpose of living.The world we find our selves in today is the product,in my humble opinion, of the countless millennia we've spent honing our survival skills,only to find them redundant in an age of abundance for a substrate of society(the bourgeois and Aristocracy).Thus despite their being the capability to provide,we do not.Because survival and reproduction is still key.Next time you watch television,watch the ad's...virtually every single one can be traced back to an appeal to our survival instincts...I agree with anon on all points except his/her final.Define we? for as far as i know,the vast swathes of humanity seem to be plunging head-first towards the kilometre thick,reinforced steel wall of reality.And in their hysterically, writhing short-sightedness no-ones thought to look at the roadmap and pull the goddamn handbrake.To slow down and say "hold on a goshdarned second here...",and those that do are ignored because it's all 'scare-mongering' and because keeping a roof over your head is more important than the ultimate fate of human-kind on a day to day basis.argh,im ranting and have too much to say that is only vaguely on topic.So I'll leave it there...what do you think Michael?

  5. i totally agree with you plebert, in a future post i was going to talk about how humanity has stopped its own evolution. But yes you beasically explained what i was try to envision, that our social system should be based around surviaval in order to progress in out evolution of both society and body. Because we have made life pretty much trivial all we can do is look like everyone else or look diferent. It was once said the only pleasures left in life are killing and sex. No longer do we long to explore or have adventures, why do that when we have television showing us people who do it anyway. I also agree that society is going to hit a wall and when it happens its going to affect everything that keeps society stable.
    I would like to request you write a blog post on this subject so that i can see your ideas in a little bit more context please.

  6. I would like to see better grammar. I'm just sayin'.
