Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So why do we try to acheive anything?... a rant

Everything we do today won't really have an impact on us tommorrow or the next day or the day after that. All the really useful things have already been invented. All the things being made these days are going to be replaced in the next year so why not save yourself some money and by the newer modle in a months time. For example why by an iphone when you can by and ipod a phone and a camera for half the price of one. Why do we try our hardest to get through school when all thats waiting for us on the other side is pain and agony of bills, transportation, more schooling, responsibilities, more bills, debt and hard work. Life was so much simpler in school. It was a simple go learn, leave ratio. Sometimes you didnt learn there and sometimes we learnt at home. But i'm going of topic now. Whats the point of making zillions of dollars. People are still going poor. Whats the point of making a vaccine for the common cold by the time we find and process the strain of the virus, analyse it, make a working vaccine, test it, re-make it, test it again, make enough for a population who can afford it( which lets face it arn't really the ones that need it) the virus has mutated to try and beat our own immune system so heres an idea how about all you scientists out there instead of making a vaccine or a cure how about making our immune systems stonger and smarter. Why make a name for yourself in a company in 20 years theres a 90% percent chance that after you retire (from work or life) the company will be brought by another company who only use the name as a marketing ploy. Example vegimite< Kraft < american company, Vegimite< made firstly in england. So yeh started off in england we then stole it and america some how owns it. And hey even if you do make something useful like hey the lightbulb by thomas eddison or that other guy whoever you belive made it. What do we think of it now? we hate it thats what. Its all fluroresent this and fluro green bulb that. ok so yeh im out of steam.

Until next time i will continue not to use spell check because i think you find it humorous finding all my typos and bad gramma. But yes until next time....

ps dont take what ever i say in rants by face value i am not saying give up on life i am more saying live each day for what it is worth because in the end the result of your life dosnt matter to anything really but yourself. If you had fun who gives a toss what others think.

pps vaccine makers keep making vaccines because some people do need them. eg small children and the elderly. Adults should be able to take care of themselves and hey teenagers are invincible so yeah...

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