Friday, April 30, 2010

Music and the Radio

I have come to the conclusion that the majority of the songs played on the radio are not music. I will accept the fact that they are songs and can be entertaining and quite good to listen too in the rare occasion but however they are not music. If it sounds like you could have made it in your sleep on a drum machine it isnt music it is a lymeric put to some doofs and duffs. Now if there is some doofs and duffs but some keyboard and guitar in there now that is music. Now this mainly goes toward the pop genre sense and at the minute is the only thing that the radio is playing. I dont care if you think that its music or not but in my opinion it isnt, a monkey could make those beats and trust me they do. A well made techno song on the other hand can take years to develop just the right timing and beat and such is music. Music is( to me) when you put as much time into the lyrics as the sound. So songs such as 'im in miami' or "blah blah blah" are not music. Half the time the lyrics dont make sense and you get bored in the first 10 seconds of the time and the people that do listen to them only listen to them because their addicted to song that have sex as a message, And face it its not even an underlining message it just comes out and says it. For example: Rude Boy by Rihanna
"I like the way you touch me there
I like the way you pull my hair
Babe, if I don't feel it I ain't faking, no, no
I like when you tell me 'kiss you there'
I like when you tell me 'move it there'
So giddy-up; time to get it up"

Please what else could this mean and come on if the kid is too young to understand what it means do you want them singing it. Admitably funny but just plan wrong. So my message to the radio put more songs on that people actually put time into making and developing and make sex subtle so adults can laugh and dont need to worry about their kids, music that evolves through the song and only repeats some of the lyrics in the chorus. Because at the minute the best songs on the radio are the gimmicks that Hamish and Andy make up in their spare time. So please future bands and groups in the music industry be original and only use a computer if need be you dont need it, because if you make your entire band on the computer. Any tom, dick and harry with garage band can come take your place.
so in final note thank you, triple J and my ipod for keeping me sane throught this interesting patch of radio music, hey its just a matter of time before we hit the screemo punk hybrids, cant wait.

untill next time comment away in the doobely bood below

new setup nd holy cow i actually spell checked it

Hello Children i have now found a new setup
I will be mostly posting friday and saturday nights (by night i mean the morning of the next day). This is due to lack of sleep in the weekdays and late at night cause i often stay up pondering and hence the starting of this blog. This new format should also give me time to make more thougher rants and such. I may still post during the week if i really have to say something or such but yes that is all. Oh this should result in like 3 posts a night which will give you plenty of reading sastifaction for the week. Oh an i would also like to expand the community so if you read something and like it can you press the share button on the side of the screen, it stands out because its the only white thing on the black of my page. So yeh i think thats everything for this post.

until next time....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

why do you care what i think?

Not so recently a girl almost got killed by the entirety of china because of a snobby opinion on a certain devastating earthquake, you may or may not remember this. The tweenage girl ( yay for new world terms) was arrested by the chinese government for unresting civil peace. Now if you screw up peace in china ( the entire china ) you must of done something bad, something really bad. No she didnt kill any one its much worse than that, she made a post on her internet blog that no one reads such as this one right now that no one reads, well i dont know blogger wont give me a hit count. So yeh then one right wing person saw it and ka-boooom her fan stomped working cause it was burried. All she said was why couldn't the news take breaks so she could have a happier day instead of seeing death all the time on the tv. But no the people of the WORLD ended up hating her, she was even on the news here in Aus, she got death threats, mail, videos, rocks wrapped in paper the list goes on. But my post isnt about her if she didnt want to see death on the tv she should've put a dvd on. My post is why do we as people care what others say or think it's not like they're opinions affect us, now an opinion held by by a considerable number of people, and are called rules and laws then they can affect you so i would share the same opinion as them for that. But why do you read what i type, Does it anger you if i say something wrong, or have a left or right wing opinion. I mean you dont even know me and its the freaking internet how do you know im not some kid with too much spare time. Why did people get worked up over her opinion, its not like she was a president and declared war on South Africa.
All that happened was that her singular opinion conflicted in group opinion and she got removed to keep everyones mind set the same way ( well in that case was a good mind set ) but werre the death threats really necessary ?

so why do you care what i write or dont you care unless i say stfu to some poor helpless people.

just a thought.

until next time
yay for no paragraphing or spell checking.

i blame you hunger ( a history lesson)

Hello loyal and maybe not so loyal readers, sorry i have been away for so long for that was because i was away with no laptop so yes.... let us move on

Now the topic as you can clearly see in the title is hunger and my rant is about blaming it for stuff. Now i am not going to talk about africa, even tho it is in a terrible state with hunger issues no, i am going to talk about something that killed over a billion lives directly and in directly. I am blaming the world wars on hunger.

Now before you go Wtf stuf you have no idea what your saying and are being stupid well im not. i actually did some research on this let us begin.

We begin our story with our main character Gavrilo Princip he is a young boy of 19, and i have no idea what he looks like so you can make a picture in your head. He was also a member of Young Bosnia and one of a group of assassins organized by the Black Hand, So aka a bad guy. And he wanted an Austro-Hungarian man by the name of Franz Ferdinand dead for some reason or another on his trip to Sarajevo(43rd best city in the world according to lonely planet), a town on the border of Austria-Hungry.

Now in this city many Serbians lived and celebrated several serbian holiday. Well Franz being an archduke and in line for the throne and all decided to parade through the streets on such a holiday. While he was parading through the streets in his shiny black car. Gavrilo and his buddies attacked him with a grenade, they missed and it went bang. Franz was repoterdly angry and yelling things at the crowd about bombs and such. Gavrilo was running away at this point anyway.

Now seeing Gavrilo failed in his mission and was very warn out from his running he felt hungry ( oh the irony ) so he went to a nearby cafe' to grab a bite to eat. As Gavrilo was biting into his delicious sandwhich to quench his hunger, guess who drove past because they took a wrong turn. Thats right children it was our friend Frans.

Now let me explain why Franz was driving past, well when the grenade went off it hit some of Franz's guards because well that was their job, and because they got hurt Franz instead of going into hiding wanted to go to the hospital to see these good men. Understandably the taxi drive made a wrong turn on the way ( this is more than likely due to having a bomb thrown at him earlier and still being expected to work) They then drove past the cafe' in which Gavrilo was sitting. Now Gavrilo seeing Franz pulled out his gun walked over to Franz and shot him in the chest. Franz then died, Austria-Hungry blamed Serbia, Russia and Germany got involved and then bang WW1, which in turn cause WW2.

But then again WW2 could have been avoided if an art school wasnt so snobby, but thats another story.

So yes in total the world wars have caused the death of over a billion unborn babies and millions of soldiers lives because Gavrilo got hungry (oh the irony again)

did i just make a history lesson entertaining?

until next time

Friday, April 2, 2010

options options options

In life you go to school you learn you go to more schooling learn some more generic skills and then more school? No thanks

why not?

Dont want to be at school anymore, been there for a good portion of my life

fair enough so what you going to do?

take a break for a bit

and then??

work it out from there, one step at a time.



So its been almost half a year what you going to do?

i don't know?

why not ?

so how many of you have been in this situation?
How many just chilled for almost half a year like they said and then, what? chilled the next half?

why do we do it? is it because we don't what we want? is it because there are too many options? Do we want to start our own buisness? Or is it really cause were scarred to comitt?

Because face it, it is a scary decision theres every chance that you'll hate and quit in the first day. Or we dont want to leave cause of the money.
Or is really because were scarred of dissapointment, if we try and we dont succede and were scarred we'll be looked upon by that, or dissapointment for not getting a high end job.

Well no one can say for sure really, is it really cause were lazy? well that one i dont think so, i think were scarred of trying, and really these people have never truely tried at anything, and they cant figure out how.

And sitting alone all day in a house chilling isn't going to help they're just going to get repressed, depressed and pissed off at their situation and everything around them, make some accusations then boom everything will go down the drain and maybe just maybe they'll get their act together and get on with it.

Or maybe if they still cant figure it out history will repeat itself.

so yeh dunno where it came from but i wrote it


btw i didnt spell or grmmar check ill get onto that