Tuesday, July 6, 2010


"We only speak English", "Go back to your own Country". I see this, hear this, read this daily, and it saddens me, that in a civilized society in the most multicultural country in the world that this goes on. You would think that this wouldn't be a problem, but the youth today use it as the National Anthem to express themselves and this saddens me seeing youth corrupted by patriotism, I keep asking myself what compels them so thoroughly that Prejudice is the way to go.

That is just my little rant on my announces of Racism in youth of today, we all do it, no matter how much we do not want to be racist. Wouldn't the world be great without any type of prejudice.

Hi, I am JJ, friend of Mr Micheal's. I thought I would finally contribute to this blog no matter how short my contribution was.

Till' next time